Laris Bäucker


Laris Bäucker creates, organizes and performs in the field of contemporary music and performance art. They study composition at the Berlin University of the Arts with Mathias Hinke and studied in Zurich with Isabell Mundry. There, they organized the lecture series "Let's talk about: Mental Health" to create new, student-led and de-hierarchical discussion platforms. Since its foundation in May 2023, they have been an active member of the Netzwerk Freies Musiktheater and is committed to improving study conditions at German art academies. Recent productions include: "So Schön" at Schauspielhaus Zürich (4/2023), "Polypulse" at C-Lab in Taipei (11/2023) and "Mussage" in Berlin (4/2024).

Composer Performer and Cultural Manager

"I hope for the conference to open up possibilities of networking and solidarity - bringing the international scene closer together and enabling creations with shared resources. What are ways to accommodate in creational processes for the necessary unpaid labor that means creating highly developed and intricate music theatre? How can we leave behind the disciplinary restraints of traditional music education and go further towards a flexible handling and supporting of individuals creative practices? What are potentials of combining roles of performer, creators and teacher? How can this bear fruit in working with non-professionals and contexts of "Musiktheatervermittlung", not as an extension but an essential?"