Nov. 1st-3rd, 2024, Frankfurt, Germany



For our fifth dialogue (NOD5), we are joining forces with the Institut für zeitgenössische Musik at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt (HfMDK), the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover (HMTM), and the Hessische Theaterakademie (HTA) to address issues and challenges in the education and training of opera’s future creators in collaboration with 

Although there is clearly demand for new work, there is next to no institutional context to learn the skills necessary for new opera development. For example, Germany produces around 80 new works annually; yet in the entire country there isn't a single degree or certificate-granting program for training future opera creators. How are these artists – whether composers, librettists, directors or conductors – supposed to hone their craft to produce successful new pieces? NOD5 "OPERAtion EDUCATION" aims to bring together artists, professors, and opera houses to take this problem head-on.

The dialogue will take place in English.



Friday, November 1st

17:30     Reception with welcome addresses and short opening provocations

             Words from Elmar Fulda (President of HfMDK), Amy Stebbins, Ulrich Kreppein,           

             Gordon Kampe, Nazli Tabatabai-Khatambakhsh

    Saturday, November 2nd

    10:00  "What opera makers need to learn"

                Starting words from Laris Bäucker, Deborah Brevoort, Liza Lim, Michael Rau

                Moderated by Günther Albers

    11:45    Break

    12:00   "Current Models"

                 Starting words from Jérôme Combier, Moritz Eggert, Holger Falk, Julian Philips, Jay   


                 Moderated by Christina Richter-Ibáñez

    13:30     Lunch

    15:00    Break-Out Groups

    16:15     Break

    16:30    Results: "A Roadmap for New Opera Education"

                 Moderated by Raphael Thöne

    19:00   Dinner

    Sunday, November 3rd

    10:00   Dialogue with representatives from regional opera houses

                Round table with the Darmstadt State Theater, Theater Bonn, Theater Mainz, The 

                Icelandic Opera, and the Neuköllner Oper

                Moderated by Ingo Diehl

    12:30   Conclusions